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Neuropsychology for Occupational Therapists : Cognition in Occupational Performance

Autor(es): June Grieve; Linda Maskill
Editor: Wiley-Blackwell
Edição: 3
Ano de publicação: 2007
Idioma: eng
ISBN: 9781444322606
Numero de páginas: 248
Disponibilidade e condições:
grupodisponibilidadereservasduração da licença
geral 3 / 3 0 5 dia(s)

The third edition of this successful textbook is written primarily for undergraduate students of occupational therapy, and for practitioners working in the field of cognitive rehabilitation. Those in other health and related professions, who work in the field of brain injury, will gain an understanding of how cognition and its impairment can affect behaviour. The content of the second edition has been expanded and updated to reflect advances in neuropsychology, and to incorporate an evidence based consideration of occupational therapy practice.

Written in a clear and user-friendly style, this book provides a basic guide to normal cognition. The impact of cognitive impairments upon everyday living is explored and guidance is given upon the planning and implementation of rehabilitation to optimise occupational performance.

PART 1 Cognition and the Occupational Therapy Process.

Chapter 1. Occupation and Cognitive Rehabilitation.

Chapter 2. Identifying and assessing cognitive impairments.

Chapter 3. Intervention for cognitive impairments.

PART 2 Components and disorders of cognition.

Chapter 4. Cognition, methods and processes.

Chapter 5. Visual perception, recognition and agnosia.

Chapter 6. Spatial abilities, construction, body scheme and finding the way.

Chapter 7. Attention and unilateral neglect.

Chapter 8. Memory and amnesia.

Chapter 9. Purposeful movement and apraxia.

Chapter 10. Executive functions.

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